Zoom – Wurqi App User Documentation

Zoom – Wurqi App User Documentation

Connecting To Zoom

1.       Go to Settings in the left-hand menu or select the camera icon in any chat and choose Connect Zoom

2.       Login to your Zoom account

3.       Approve permissions

Starting a Meeting

1.       Select the camera icon in the chat you wish to start a meeting

2.       Choose Start Zoom Meeting

3.       (Optional) Change the title of the meeting

4.       Choose Yes to create the meeting in both Zoom and Wurqi

5.       Choose No to create the meeting in Zoom only

Scheduling a Meeting

1.       Select the camera icon in the chat you wish to start a meeting

2.       Choose Schedule Zoom Meeting

3.       Give meeting a Title, When and Duration (all required) and adjust other settings accordingly.

4.       The meeting URL will be posted in the chat and users can join when the Zoom host starts the meeting at the scheduled time.

Meeting Defaults

1.       Select the camera icon in any chat

2.       Choose New Meeting Defaults

3.       Adjust the options accordingly

4.       Select Update to confirm

5.       Now next time you choose Zoom Meeting the meeting will be created using your defaults

Uninstallation of Zoom App

1.       Select the camera icon in any chat

2.       Choose Disconnect From Zoom

3.       Select Yes to confirm uninstallation

4.       Your Zoom access token will now be revoked and all associated information of the user’s Zoom account in the Wurqi database will be deleted.